Don’t Leave Your Computer on the Top Bunk [FF Vol. 6.5]

Happy New Year everyone. Thanks for following me into 2023. As I open up the new year down here in South America, I regret to inform all that my computer screen is officially broken. Apparently, there were some lingering effects from its fall off the top bunk of a hostel bed about three months ago. Who knew that could cause some damage? 

As I figure out the best way to get this thing fixed without spending all of my travel budget (or time), I will be effectively delaying Ferg’s Focus for a little bit. Yes, disappointing. But best to get the worst news of the year out of the way this early.

I think what I’ll try to do is throw together something on video at some point. But I’m not really promising anything. Right now, as I voice-dictate this memo, I am packing a bag to hit the beach for the day: maté, thermos, towel, sunscreen (@Mother). There’s not much Internet down here on the coast either; I’ll be offline. Until the next time I can send something out, here’s a nice photo to illustrate what I’ll be doing over the next few weeks instead.


I’ll see you when I see you.


Charles Ferguson

Foremost a vagabond, Charles Ferguson is a language scholar, international gig-worker, and author of the Ferg’s Focus newsletter. Having held titles like vineyard hand, Brazilian farmer, chef for Chilean diplomacy, and language instructor, Charles uses his solo travel experiences to write short meditations and travel narratives exploring the self-development to be found as a long-term nomad.

No Love for the Bus [FF Vol. 7]


Argentina Salió Campeón [FF Vol. 6]